Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Tobacco Regulation Act Of 2003 - 1309 Words

I should like to reply in three different aspects: 1. Smoking in Philippine Setting, 2. Related Diseases to Smoking in the Philippines, and 3. Comparison between Philippines and Canada on Smoking 1. Smoking in Philippine Setting A joint collaborative effort of the Republic of the Philippines Department of Health (DOH) and National Statistics Office, through DOH’s100% Smoke-Free Philippines campaign backed by Philippine’s Republic Act 9211, The Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003, conducted two related important studies regarding smoking. Both researches were published last February 16, 2012 as factsheets for public references. The first study focuses on Youth/Student population and the second one was on adult. (http://www.smokefree.doh.gov.ph/index.php) Under the youth research, Philippines Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS), it concluded that 46.2% of students had ever smoked cigarettes, which is tantamount to more than 1 in 5 students surveyed. Almost 9 in 10 of students surveyed saw anti-smoking media messages and over two-thirds of them think smoke from other is harmful. The study further concluded that approximately 86% of the current smokers want to stop smoking. (http://www.smokefree.doh.gov.ph/uploads/attachments/21120174fe4f9af941b855fef2a6741e3ddd7237.pdf) In comparison, under Philippines Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), among adults 15 years or older, 28.3% were current tobacco smokers, representing 17.3 million Filipinos. Close to GYTS, 4 in every 5 FilipinoShow MoreRelatedRegulatory Agency Paper1549 Words   |  7 PagesFederal Drug Administration is an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services. The FDA organization consist of the Office of Commissioner and four directorates overseeing four core functions of the agency: Medical Products, and Tobacco, Foods, Global Regulatory Operations, and Policy, and Operations† (FDA, 2011). 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Beside, Krathwohl, (2009) pointed out that thi s chain-chain-of reasoning model applies differentlyRead MoreGlobal Tobacco Control, An Analysis1502 Words   |  6 Pageslargest tobacco market, Indonesia has become a well-known smoking nation, where approximately 67% of the male population, aged 15 and over, consume an average of 10 cigarettes a day (Nicter et al., 2010). Meanwhile, secondhand smoking becomes a prevalent issue as the Indonesian government fails to enforce strong anti-smoking legislation and educational movements. Indonesia is the one of the few countries who has not signed the World Health Organization’s (2011) Framework Convention on Tobacco ControlRead MorePersuasive Speech Outline1028 Words   |  5 Pagesthe harm it can give to the smoker, the non-smoker and the environment. Then, I will talk about some solutions to the problem and finally, I will tell you how you will benefit from giving up smoking. NEED/PROBLEM STEP: 1. What does Cigarette/Tobacco smoking does to a smoker? A. Cigarette contains chemicals that are harmful to smokers and non-smokers. Cigarette contains 4000 chemical compounds. These toxic ingredients in cigarette smoke travel throughout the body causing damages in several differentRead MoreTobacco Control Policy910 Words   |  4 Pagessmoking in prisoner groups are two to three times greater than in the general population and have remained intractably high (Singleton et al., 1999; Lester et al., 2003; Papadodima at al., 2009). As a consequence, prison populations experience far worse health outcomes than in the general population (Biswanger et al., 2014) and subsequently tobacco control policy in prisons is seen as a major opportunity to address this (PHE, 2015). Currently, such policies have largely consisted of interventions utilisedRead MoreTruth or Lie?1230 Words   |  5 Pagestheir life. The tobacco industry is huge in order to provide cigarettes to the quarter of Americans that currently smoke. The statistics that resulted from the survey did not even include other types of tobacco products, which are just as harmful. However, even realizing the harm that tobacco products can cause, tobacco companies use a variety of devious methods to draw people in to buy their product, especially younger people. With all of the money flowing in from their consumers, tobacco companies lobbyRead MoreEthical Controversy Of E Cigarettes1148 Words   |  5 PagesEthical Controversy of E-Cigarettes Originally manufactured in China in 2003, electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) were manufactured as a better way of inhaling nicotine without the health effects of smoking tobacco. They were developed to provide the tobacco user with a device that would heat up liquid nicotine and other chemicals including carcinogens that once heated would create a vapor in which the user would inhale. Unlike cigarettes, nothing is burned, and there is no smoke released

Monday, December 16, 2019

Legal Process Free Essays

Discrimination is rampant.   In the workplace, employment discrimination can take various forms.   According to the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (2004. We will write a custom essay sample on Legal Process or any similar topic only for you Order Now ), â€Å"it is illegal to discriminate in any aspect of employment†.   Employment discrimination can be based on sex, race, color, religion, disability or sexual orientation.   â€Å"federal and state employment discrimination laws prohibit employers from engaging in unfair employment practices† (Justia.com, n.d.). Most of the employment discrimination cases are handled first by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission before a case may be filed in court. According to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (n.d.), the Equal Employment Opportunity or EEO complaint process â€Å"is a legal process designed to resolve allegations of employment discrimination and retaliation†. The legal process sis composed of three parts.   First is the â€Å"pre complaint counseling process.   Second, the â€Å"formal complaint process.   Lastly, â€Å"the appeal process†Ã‚   (U.S.   Office of Personnel Management, n.d.). At the counseling process, John will be referred to an officer so that he may be apprised of his rights and the remedies made available for him under the various equal employment opportunity laws.   This is where John can be advised of the best course of action to take and the corresponding costs and benefits of the relief.   The formal complaint process shall commence after John filed a charge and the investigation proper.   At this stage, the complainant, John, and the respondent, and his employer, are already entitled to the right to appeal.   Should they feel that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission erred in its resolution or investigation, they may file an appeal according to the provisions of law. If a person feels that his employment rights as regards equal employment opportunity have been violated, he can start the legal battle by filing a discrimination complaint at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.   However, it should be noted that another person may also file a complaint in behalf of another person who has been discriminated against (The U.S.   Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (2007. In John’s case, he can start his complaint by filling out an â€Å"intake questionnaire† which shall be submitted to the nearest Equal Employment Opportunity Commission office either personally or by mail.   According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (2007), â€Å"an intake questionnaire or other correspondence can constitute a charge under the statutes if it contains all the information required by EEOC regulations governing the contents of a charge and constitutes a clear request for the agency to act†. In order to complete the charge, relevant information should be provided including the names, addresses and contact numbers of the complainant and the respondent employer.   A short description of the acts complained of or of the acts constituting the violation.   After which, John should see the Federal Sector Equal Employment Opportunity Complaint Processing (The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2007). After the complaint has been filed, the Commission will inform the respondent of the nature of the complaint.   Then, the Commission will act on the complaint either by referring it to a priority investigation if it appears that there is a convincing proof that a violation indeed happened; or request for a follow up investigation should the complaint need additional evidence.   However, settlement efforts can be resorted to at any stage of the investigation. In this case, should John’s employer be willing to negotiation or submit into alternative disputer resolution like mediation.   However, should these efforts prove unsuccessful, the investigation shall continue.  Ã‚  Ã‚   After investigation, the EEOC will issue recommendation and judgment as to the charges.   After which, should the EEOC decide in favor of John, a â€Å"right to sue† can be issued in his favor so that eh can file a formal complaint in the courts of law. The suit should be filed within 90 days following the issuance of the â€Å"right to sue† (The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2003).   Pursuant to Title 28, U.S. Code, Section 1914, John is required to pay a filing fee, which can be given back to him should judgment be rendered in his favor together with all other costs of litigation.   John should know that under the law, he is entitled to a number of remedies. He shall be entitled to back wages, reinstatement, hiring, promotion or reasonable accommodation; including the payment of attorney’s fees and other costs of the suit.   Compensatory damages can also be awarded should intentional discrimination be found (The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2003). Once a complaint is filed in court, it shall undergo the usual proceedings in court until a judgment is rendered and the judge in order for the decision to be adhered to, either in favor of John or his employer issues a Writ of Execution. References The Federal Judiciary. (n.d.).   Frequently Asked Questions.   Retrieved January 12, 2008 Justia.com. (n.d.).   Employment Discrimination.   Retrieved January 12, 2008, from http://www.justia.com/employment/employment-discrimination/ The U.S.   Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2003). EEOC’s Charge Processing Procedures.   Retrieved January 12, 2008, from http://www.eeoc.gov/charge/overview_charge_processing.html The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2004).   Discriminatory Practices.   Retrieved January 12, 2008, from http://www.eeoc.gov/abouteeo/overview_practices.html The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2007).   Filing a Charge of Employment Discrimination.   Retrieved January 12, 2008 U.S.   Office of Personnel Management.   (n.d.).   Laws and Executive Orders.   Retrieved January 12, 2008, from http://www.opm.gov/disability/appempl_5-01.asp How to cite Legal Process, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Marketing Mix of Walton Group of Bangladesh free essay sample

Recent production and selling of motorcycle and air-conditioner testifies that position of Walton. Walton has a goal to double overall market share in the next 5 years. It has successfully positioned itself as a customer friendly and eco-friendly company. Its after sales service has contributed tremendously in building this image in customers’ minds. Since its target market is middle-income people, the price of their products is comparatively lower than those of competitors’. This strategy helps the company greatly in a price sensitive consumers market. In recent years Walton has increased promotional activities through organizing various national sports events. Further investigations have revealed that to achieve the role of market leader, it will face challenge from foreign brands. Moreover, rapidly growing demand from customers for electronic products may put pressure on Walton. It has adopted market penetration, product development and market development strategy for future growth. The report has found the prospects of Walton promising in its current position. Favorable government policy will help it expand domestic and international markets in the future. . Introduction 1. 1. Origin of Report: This report was assigned by Professor Syed Munir Khasru, the BusinessCommunication instructor of BBA 19 th batch, Institute of Business Administration,University of Dhaka. 1. 2. Objectives: ? Learning a didactic approach to Business Communication. ? Incorporating theoretical education with practical experience. ? Gaining knowledge about the current market trend of the country. ? Getting acquainted with different policies, rules and regulations of the government on the products concerned. 1. 3. Methodology: The methodologies used in the research process for this report, were: Data Collection: Primary data is the information that we collect first-hand and secondary data is theinformation collected by others and used by us. For data collection, we used threeapproaches: a. First, we conducted some field research. We went to some Walton retail outletsand asked the customers about their valuable suggestion and opinions. b. We searched about Walton on the Internet and found some important informationregarding their company background, product lines and promotional programs. c. We went to Walton head office and collected the annual reports for WaltonBangladesh for the year 2010. Surveys: For surveys, we made a questionnaire for the buyers. The questionnaire for the buyersincluded questions about their economic background, their preferences and their buying budget and frequency. To circulate the questionnaires, we followed two approaches: a. We handed the questionnaires personally to people. We went to the retailoutlets and gave the questionnaire to the people there and collected their answers. Then we chose some random prospective buyers and handed themthe questionnaire prepared for them. The random sampling included peoplefrom our residential areas, our friends and the students from differentdepartments of University of Dhaka. b. For the prospective customers, we used an online survey. We circulated thequestionnaire in different Facebook groups and collected the answers. Record analysis: After collecting the data, we recorded them. Then we analyzed them by doing thefollowing:a. We collected the survey answers and made charts and graphs using that data for supporting the report. b. Then we analyzed Walton’s annual reports and extracted our required figuresfrom them. . 4. Limitations: Though we tried our best to make a hundred percent perfect report, a few limitations held us back. The main limitations that we faced, were – a. As many of the common products were barred, we had to choose one from alimited number of options. a. As many of the common products were barred, we had to choose one from a limited number of options. b. When we went to collect infor mation from the Walton outlets, they were not fully able to cooperate with us, as our required information was confidential. c. There was not enough data in the websites. 2. Company and Market Background: 2. 1. Electronics Market in Bangladesh The Electronics Market in Bangladesh is an ever-rising industry. The appropriate marketsize has never been determined as it is ever changing. The whole market can be separatedinto several segments like: ? Semiconductor Market ? Electronics Appliances Market ? Raw Materials and Spare Parts Market ? IT MarketWalton is one of the major players in the electronic appliances market. They are alsomanufacturing motorcycles alongside home appliances such as television, refrigerators,air-condition etc. The market of these products relies heavily on the average household income. For most people in Bangladesh home appliances had been luxuries they, which they cannot afford, but recently the situation have been changing. Over the last 10 years, there has beenmassive economic growth in the country, which has increased the income of lower-middle and middle class people. So the demand for home appliances has increasedsubstantially. If we look at the annual GDP growth of the country in the last 10 years, we can see thatthere has been a steady increase. Figure 01 : Annual GDP growth of Bangladesh: One of the main reasons of this growth has been because of the increased investment inthe fast growing sectors of the economy, which has reduced the rate of unemploymentdrastically over the years. It is evident that the increase in earning of the population has also had an impact on the buying behavior. Middle and upper middle classes have emerged and reached a certainlevel that is attractive for the importers and manufacturers. Bangladesh Bank has therecords of imports of Home Appliances over the years. Table 01 : Import of Home Appliances (BDT): At first there was a huge growth to the numbers of Home Appliances imported in thecountry, but the numbers have declined in recent years, as tax holidays on imported partsand high import tax on electronic products have made companies focus on assemblingand manufacturing their products in Bangladesh. 2. 2. Walton HIL: Walton Hi-Tech Industries Ltd (Walton HIL) is one of the best companies in the electronic sector of Bangladesh. Walton is one of those few Bangladeshi companies that export electronic products since most of the companies in Bangladesh import products of various famous brands. The company was established in 1977. Since then, it has been setting new benchmarks in production of electronic goods in Bangladesh. The company has a yearly production capacity of 1. 4 million pieces of fridge, 300,000 pieces of air conditioner and 300,000 pieces of motorbike . In its early stage, the company used to produce home appliances. Today their product mix includes Mobile Phone, Generators, and Motorbikes. In 2009 the company signed an agreement with the Malaysian auto manufacturer Ageth to set up an automobile plant in its factory premises. After meeting the local demand the company is exporting its products to Qatar, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Kuwait of Middle East, Ghana of Africa and India, Nepal and Bhutan of South Asia, and U. S. A. It also wants to export its products to France, Italy, Germany,Spain and other European countries. Walton has been successful in capturing this large international market because of its high quality products. To ensure this high quality of products all the members of the Walton family, both factory and administrative members,work very hard round the year. The factory of Walton is situated in Savar and the corporate office is at Dilkusha C/A,Dhaka. There are 120 outlets of Walton throughout the country so that customerseverywhere can buy Walton products. Walton has a dedicated team of skilled engineersand technical personnel from home and abroad who ensure quality products for thecustomer. Because of this highly skilled team Walton can offer the customers a widerange of products. 2. 3. Competitor Analysis: In the field of home appliances such as television, refrigerator, freezer, air-condition etc. some of Walton’s competitors are: TABLE South Asia, and U. S. A. It also wants to export its products to France, Italy, Germany,Spain and other European countries. Walton has been successful in capturing this large international market because of its high quality products. To ensure this high quality of products all the members of the Walton family, both factory and administrative members,work very hard round the year. The factory of Walton is situated in Savar and the corporate office is at Dilkusha C/A,Dhaka. There are 120 outlets of Walton throughout the country so that customerseverywhere can buy Walton products. Walton has a dedicated team of skilled engineersand technical personnel from home and abroad who ensure quality products for thecustomer. Because of this highly skilled team Walton can offer the customers a widerange of products. 2. 3. Competitor Analysis: In the field of home appliances such as television, refrigerator, freezer, air-condition etc. some of Walton’s competitors are:Most of these brands have been in this market for a long time. But none of them wereable to match the market growth of Walton in the last 3 years. Although LG-Butterfly isthe No. home appliances brand in the country, Walton is catching up fast. Walton has started manufacturing major parts for the assembly of motorcycles. Right nowthey hold nearly 8% of the market share. Its competitors are: ? Bajaj ? Hero Honda ? Dayun ? TVS ? Singer ? Butterfly 2. 4. Market Share: By conducting a survey among consumers we were able to determine peoples’ preferenceof brands while buying home appliances and whi ch brand of product they have bought. The market demand of different brands of television, refrigerator and motorcycles has been calculated by survey method. It must be noted that had the survey been centered onmiddle class families in rural areas, Walton would have had a much higher market sharesince these people are the main target market of Walton. Also, Since Walton is the soledomestic producer among these brands; it enjoys some tax reduction that makes it capableof manufacturing and selling its product at reasonable prices. This facility providesWalton with a competitive advantage. Hence, Walton plans to target another 15% of themarket in the next 5 years and they are confident that they will be able to easily achievethat target.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Law and Ethics, Patients Rights in Practice free essay sample

In particular, those aspects observed by the student relating to patients privacy, confidentiality and any situations which warranted a limitation to patient privacy will be described and discussed with reference to patients rights. Situations in the hospital setting where the student nurse viewed health professionals informing patients about treatment options, encouraging patients to take action in decisions about their health, and gaining informed, voluntary consent prior to procedures will be discussed. An explanation of reasons for selecting privacy and consent as two essential concepts which health providers must understand will be illustrated. The legal and ethical responsibility of health care providers in relation to the aforementioned fundamental principles of achieving patient privacy and gaining informed voluntary consent will be examined with a clear emphasis on patient’ rights. While on clinical placement, the student nurse observed health professionals maintaining patient privacy to a high standard by consistently shutting curtains around patient’s beds, lowering their voices when working with patients in rooms containing multiple beds, courteously requesting visitors to leave the room when procedures of a sensitive nature were preformed and closing patient’s doors to limit unwanted interference from hallways. We will write a custom essay sample on Law and Ethics, Patients Rights in Practice or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In order to show patients respect, dignity and consideration, which are outlined as a fundamental patient right in the Queensland Health Public Patient’s Charter (2002), patients were consistently examined in areas that were as private as was possible at the time. This attempt by health care providers to maintain the physical privacy of all patients by consistently minimizing unwarranted outside attention is a clear demonstration of how health care providers maintained patient dignity, consideration and respect. According to the Ramsay Health Care/Cairns Private Hospital Patient Charter (nd. , patients have a right to be treated with courtesy throughout their hospital experience. The actions of the health care team correlate positively to this statement as through the maintenance of patient’s physical privacy, health care providers are demonstrating consideration for their patients and respecting their rights set forth in both the Queensland Health public patient charte r and the Ramsay health care charter. Throughout the clinical placement of the student nurse, the health care facility in question demonstrated exceptional adherence to national privacy principles 4. set forth in the Privacy Amendment Act (2000). Initiatives currently in place at Cairns Private Hospital ensure confidentiality of both patient’s medical records as well as patient’s personal details by limiting outside access to confidential information and preventing health care professionals from transmitting such information to the broader community. One such example observed by the student nurse involves the hospitals policy preventing nurses from leaving the hospital with materials used in nursing handovers that contain information regarding patient’s condition and personal details. The destruction of such material prevents the transmission of private information to the wider community and demonstrates the role of health care providers in maintaining patient privacy. According to the national privacy principle 4. 1 extracted from the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act (2000, p. 9), â€Å"An organisation must take reasonable steps to protect the personal information it holds from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Therefore, by ensuring patients information is protected from unauthorised access and disclosure, Cairns Private Hospital is fulfilling the legal obligations set forth for private organizations in the Privacy Amendment Act (2000) principle 4. 1. Patient’s right to have their personal information kept private and confidential, as outlined in the Queensland Health Public Patient’s Charter (2002), was also exceptionally demonstrated by those nurses with whom the student nurse was in contact during c linical placement. Health care providers consistently maintained patient confidentiality by limiting discussion of patient’s condition to those situations where health care providers must share patient information to improve patient care. When the student nurse observed an exchange of information between health care providers pertaining to patient’s condition, it occurred in a manner such that other patients or visitors were unable to discern the content of discussion. This includes, but is not limited to, patient information related in nursing handovers. By treating patient’s personal information obtained in a professional capacity as confidential, nurses are adhering to the expected national standards for Australian nurses as stated in ANC Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses in Australia (nd. ). The importance of maintaining patient privacy is unquestionable. Patients belief that health care professionals will handle their personal information with respect, dignity and maintain their confidentiality not only illustrates the ethical and legal responsibilities of health care providers, but correlates positively with the formation of trust between patient and nurse. According to Stein-Parbury (2005 p. 42), â€Å"†¦ without trust, there is minimal self-disclosure and little chance that patients will share their experiences with nurses or that nurses will come to understand patients’ experiences. † Therefore, through the maintenance of patient privacy and confidentiality, the element of trust, which forms the basis of all nurse-patient relationships, is strengthened. Crisp and Taylor (2005), illustrated the importance of patient privacy and confidentiality as without these two essential components patients would not feel able to tell health care professionals their most intimate and private details. This potential hesitation to share personal information with health providers can have a negative impact on the provision of care and can ultimately lead to treatment that does not take into consideration essential aspects of patient’s health. The maintenance of patient’s privacy is essential in both building trust between nurse and patient and providing holistic nursing care. As stated previously, the maintenance of patient privacy has implications in both legal and ethical spheres and is paramount to the formation of the nurse-patient relationship. Student nurses must therefore gain an understanding of the importance of maintaining patient privacy to ensure that once qualified as a registered nurse, one will understand the reasons why legally and ethically we must adhere to the guidelines. In today’s health care setting, the emphasis of patient’s rights and understanding these rights is paramount if one wishes to practice safe appropriate care for all peoples. It is for these reasons that the central issue of patient privacy was selected for consideration. Although the importance of maintaining patient privacy is unquestionable, there are ertain situations that warrant the sharing of patient information. As observed by the student nurse, health care professionals continuously share patient information between themselves in attempts to allow allied health professionals to provide appropriate holistic patient care. In today’s hospitals, with shift work and the increasing specialization of various allied healt h workers, it is essential that patient information is shared to improve patients care and outcome. In order to achieve appropriate care for patient’s, this is a requirement and will not be considered as a breach of patient privacy. This team work approach to health care is viewed as of benefit to the patient and is absolutely essential is today’s health care facilities where health care professionals are increasingly working in more specialized fields. Throughout the entire clinical placement, the student nurse consistently observed health providers informing patients of their various treatment options, encouraging patients to take an active role in decisions about their health, and ultimately gaining informed voluntary consent prior to any procedure. As outlined in the Queensland Health Public Patients Charter (2002), and the Ramsay Health Care/Cairns Private Hospital Patient Charter (nd. ), patients have a right to easy to understand information about their condition, treatment options, risks, and expected outcomes. The health providers viewed by the student nurse exemplified exceptional adherence to the patients right to accurate information as nurses were observed directly informing patients wherever possible about their treatment options, risks, and choices available to them. Health care providers not only adhered to their legal obligation of providing treatment information to patients, but did so in a way that reflected nurses ability to use due care in support of their ethical responsibilities. According to the Ramsay Health Care/Cairns Private Hospital Patient Charter (nd. ), patients have a right to ask questions and seek clarification in regards to matters that concern them. The actions of the health care team exemplified good practice with reference to this patient right. Health care providers were willing at all times to respond to patients questions or concerns and faced each situation with enthusiasm and clear respect for patients right to ask questions and seek clarification. Patients right to take part in decisions about their health care as stated in the Queensland Public Health Charter ( 2002), was viewed by the student nurse to occur in conjunction with the aforementioned patient right to information about treatment. By providing patients with easy to understand information about their condition, it allowed patients to make informed choices regarding their treatment and overall health. Health professionals were observed to provide patients with the information they require such that patients could make their own decisions regarding their treatment options. By thoroughly providing patients with necessary information as well as encouraging patients to take an active role in decisions about their health, health providers were empowering patients and fostering patient’s autonomy. Autonomy, the freedom to decide and act (Stein-Parbury, 2005), can be enhanced when a patient is given information about their condition and encouraged to take an active role in making decisions about their health. Informing patients of various treatment options and encouraging patients to take an active role in decisions about their health are fundamental components of informed voluntary consent. Informed voluntary consent may be implied, written or verbally given. The student nurse observed various nurses obtaining implied consent from patients when performing routine procedures such as taking a blood pressure reading. The student also viewed health providers obtaining verbal consent from patients when preforming procedures such as showering and mobilizing patients. The health providers adhered to the legal requirements which state that consent must be voluntarily given and informed (Forrester Griffiths, 2005). The actions of the health care team correlate positively to the statements set forth in both the Queensland Health Public Patients Charter (2002) and the ANMC Code of Ethics for Nurses in Australia (nd. ). The charter asserts that patients have the right to give their permission before they are treated. Whether consent was implied or verbal, the student nurse observed patients giving their permission prior to any procedure. According to Value Statement 2 in the Code of Nursing Ethics (nd. ), nurses must accept the rights of individuals to make informed choices in relation to their care. By ensuring that patients right to make informed choices in relation to their care and obtaining informed voluntary consent, health providers are meeting their legal and ethical obligations surrounding patients consent. It is essential that student nurses have an understanding of their moral and legal requirements surrounding patients consent. If a health provider performs a procedure without acquiring consent, there is a possibility that their actions legally may amount to assault or battery. According to Forrester and Griffiths (2005), battery involves the unlawful touching of a person without his or her consent. In charges of battery, there is no requirement that the patient sustains any injuries as a result of health professionals unlawful touching. Health providers must therefore have an understanding of the legal ramifications surrounding consent to ensure that they provide safe nursing care based on respecting patient’s legal rights. It is for this reason that the issue of patient’s consent was included for discussion in this paper. It is becoming increasingly important for health professionals to have an understanding of their legal and ethical responsibility for the maintenance of patient privacy and obtaining informed voluntary consent prior to preforming any procedure with patients. With the emphasis on patiens rights becoming more prevalent in the health care setting, it is essential that health care workers respect patient’s rights which include, but are not limited to, maintaining patient privacy and obtaining informed voluntary consent. The health providers present at the health care facility attended by the student nurse were observed to demonstrate good practice with respect to patients’ rights as set forth in the Queensland Health Public Patients Charter (2002).

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Words That Include Dur

Words That Include Dur Words That Include Dur Words That Include Dur By Mark Nichol If a word begins with or includes the element dur, it’s likely to be part of the word family derived from the Latin verb durare, meaning â€Å"harden† or â€Å"last.† This post defines the members of this family. Durable means â€Å"able to last a long time† (the noun forms are durability and, rarely, durableness), and a little-known intensifier of that word, perdurable, employs the â€Å"throughout† sense of the prefix per- to mean â€Å"everlasting† or â€Å"very durable.† To endure is to accept or tolerate, though the word may refer to suffering a condition or experience, and it also pertains to continuation of a state or to putting up with the continuation. Something that can be endured is endurable, and the noun form is endurance, which means â€Å"an act or instance of enduring† and sometimes refers to any of several types of competitive events involving long distances and/or arduous conditions the participants must endure. (The mostly obsolete word durance is still used occasionally in legal contexts to refer to physical restraint or confinement.) Enduro is an off-road motorcycle sport. During means â€Å"at a point in the course of† or â€Å"throughout,† so the context of a sentence in which during is employed must clarify whether something done during a visit, for example, was done at some time while the visit occurred or all through the visit. Duration, meanwhile, is a noun referring to a length or span of time. The adjective obdurate is a synonym for â€Å"stubborn,† while the less common word indurate refers to figurative or literal hardening and serves also as a verb meaning â€Å"establish† or â€Å"inure,† or â€Å"make hard† or â€Å"make stubborn.† (Obdurate, however, does not have a verb form; the verb indurate does double duty.) Interestingly, the medieval poet Dante’s full name is Durante degli Alighieri; his birth name comes from durare and survived into modern Italian as a surname used, among others, by twentieth-century entertainer Jimmy Durante. Today is the last day to join our Freelance Writing Course. Dont miss out! Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What is the Difference Between "These" and "Those"?50 Idioms About Meat and Dairy ProductsFew vs. Several

Friday, November 22, 2019

Retaining the Connotation of Retinue

Retaining the Connotation of Retinue Retaining the Connotation of Retinue Retaining the Connotation of Retinue By Mark Nichol What is a retinue, and do you need one? That depends on whether you need to be retained. This post defines and discusses the term retinue and its synonyms. Retinue, derived from the French verb retenir, meaning â€Å"retain,† or â€Å"keep,† refers to a group of associates or attendants. Originally, it applied to retainers (that word also stems from retenir), servants who attended to a person of high rank. Now, it is more likely to pertain to friends, employees, and hangers-on a celebrity surrounds himself or herself with. Associated words include entourage, from the French verb entourer, meaning â€Å"surround†; this word is cognate with tour (a tour â€Å"surrounds† the area circumscribed by the travel route) and tourist. Then there’s cortege, from the Latin term cohors, meaning â€Å"enclosure† (and the origin of court as well as cohort), by way of the Italian verb corteggiare, meaning â€Å"court,† as in an effort to influence someone politically or romantically; cortege also refers to a parade of attendants and may apply specifically to a funeral procession. Suite (ultimately from the Latin word sequere, meaning â€Å"follow†- and the source of sequence- by way of Old French), tail (from an Old English word meaning â€Å"lock of hair†), and train (from the Middle French verb trainer, meaning â€Å"drag† or â€Å"draw†) are also used in the sense of â€Å"those attending on an important person.† Following is another word with this connotation, though it can easily be misunderstood to apply to someone’s far-flung fan base rather than to close associates. Two slang terms synonymous with retinue are crew (ultimately from the Latin verb crescere, meaning â€Å"grow†- and the source of crescent- by way of Middle French and later Middle English, in the sense of reinforcement), from an association with the company of sailors or other workers who conduct operations (though with the connotation of a convivial assembly), and posse. That last word is a truncation of the Latin phrase posse comitatus, meaning â€Å"power of the county† and referring to a group of citizens deputized to assist in law enforcement or rescue. In popular culture, posse became associated with the Old West, conjuring the image of a band of men in a frontier town temporarily authorized to assist a county sheriff or a federal marshal with hunting down a fugitive outlaw. This meme inspired an association of the term with a rambunctious retinue accompanying a pop star. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Royal Order of Adjectives 5 Brainstorming Strategies for WritersUsing "May" in a Question

Thursday, November 21, 2019

New and Improved Rewards at Work Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

New and Improved Rewards at Work - Assignment Example Therefore, the relationship between the workers and the stakeholders will determine the level of change in any association (Politano & Macnaughton, 2009, p.110). Hence, this will contribute in integration of different skills, which if worked upon tactically will lead to growth of the organization to greater heights. In addition, all heads of departments should organize forums in which they have to meet with the aim of interacting, socializing, and exchange of ideas and experiences from their respective fields. Upon meeting, the heads will have robust environment to discuss for the way forward. Secondly, training of the workers by the organization will not only improve production by also the ability to use the required technology. Moreover, workers get motivated with the rewards from the organization. In alliteration, Innovation is the key factor in improving the strategy of any organization on the globe. Here is some crucial factor that all workers should embrace to initiate change a s below: learning, quality of life with innovation at hand, and monitory incentives just to mention but few. Learning It is noteworthy that the available innovation gives employees the opportunity to learn and put into practice the learned technological skills. In addition, by statistics analysis, it is evident that the number of hours worked by American employees is on the rise. The above, is propelled by the high standards of living and so many workers are scared on how effectively they will meet the demand of lives. Flexibility of employees is one key factor that facilitates production in an organization. Monetary incentives:- money is the main motivational factor globally, here the organization’s profit, if shared among the employees will motivate employees to a greater heights. Besides, to reduce absenteeism, and improve employees’ production, monetary rewards are the best igniters so far. On the contrary, if monetary rewards are not incorporated with other reward s can be short lived. Again, if not well distributed among all employees, the monetary incentives can prove to be fatal (Deeprose, 2007, p.120). However, the current competitive conditions in an organization or business world make it almost impossible to not only retain, but also acquire top talents. Therefore, an organization should offer the right pay and effectively manage the pay increase in order to retain the top talents after identification. On the other hand, it is advisable to keep personal budget by stabilizing the compensation strategy. Compensation strategies are vital in identifying the job markets to an organization hence building the attractiveness of company’s top talent. Compensation strategy and competitive advantages Nowadays, it is worth to note that employees are on the same level with the customers. Thus, they are not in a position to identify a good organization since better employers are identified no longer. Competitive advantage is a propelling facto r to a mix success. It is important for any organization to identify differently themselves for not only presentation but also for a different approach to the employees. In addition, it is real that the most successful differentiators are compensation strategies. An organization is not only differentiated from other organization by compensation strategy but also it brings differentiation in an organization. It is pertinent to note that, effective compensation gives the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Global business (Cultural Context) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Global business (Cultural Context) - Essay Example Chicken is one of the favorite items that anybody would like to have and can be made in several different forms. Perdue chicken is a poultry chicken, and is a one of the finest, exceptional, fresh, and leading brand chicken that comes under farming in the some regions of United States. Perdue chicken is available in various forms that include uncooked form such as frozen pieces of chicken or in form of wings etc and cooked forms as well (Daft, 2009). On the other hand when talk about UK culture; it is very diverse in the aspect of food. The history of UK reveals the fact that the inhabitants of UK in general had the eating habits constrained and classified to herbs, vegetables and seafood that embrace leafy and beans species of vegetable, fish and many more, and they had a strong point in agriculture and cultivation. Although classic, homely, healthy and nutritious were the highlighting features of the conventional food and meals of UK; yet, they had been under influence from a few d iverse and distinct traditions and adopted their flavors (Ashley, 2004).

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Existentialism and Choices Essay Example for Free

Existentialism and Choices Essay Existentialists are commonly seen as being distressed with human degradation. Something seen as ugly and negative or as related to naturalists. However existentialists are more than that. In fact, existentialism is the works of a musician or a poet. The clear definition of existentialism is not what is commonly seen as negativity or as naturalists. Sartre tells us ‘it can be defined easily. ’ Existentialism aims at emphasizing ‘the individual character they are philosophizing. ’ There are two different types of existentialists that are confused with each other. The first of the two types is the existentialists who are Christian and the second is the atheistic existentialists. Atheistic existentialists make more sense because they are not Christians, nature, or God centered. Existentialism prefers hominocentric that is centered on humans not God. As the lecturer said, they are tired of people talking about metaphysics. Yet both share one similar thing in common, they both think that existence precedes essence. Essence is a particular object, it is all around us. Yet as humans, our existence precedes essence because we are not objects in the world. The way we identify ourselves is different from the way other things are identified. The way we identify ourselves from objects and animals differently is the choices we make that defines us. Freedom is what enables us to make choices and is also what sets humans apart from ordinary things and animals. Humans are always constantly becoming who they are for their self definition is never complete. Sartre believes that ‘a man is nothing but what he makes himself. ’ That is the first principle of existentialism. The man must be aware of the state of being indefinable as the first step because he is nothing at first. â€Å"‘I think, therefore I exist’ is the absolute truth of consciousness becoming aware of itself. † Only then will that man become something, his actions sets his life. His choices are making himself a part of who he will be in his future. These choices can be overwhelming because these choices come with great responsibility. Here Sartre tells us that a ‘man has a human nature, the concept of the human, is found in all which means that each man is a particular example of a universal concept. ’ There is more to a man’s responsibility than to its own individual self for it also applies to all men. There are those, called cowards and stinkers, who do not accept this responsibility by their decision because they are either hiding from it or just refuse to take it. When cowards make choices they raise excuses such as they were influence by others to choose this way. Cowards lets others choose for them and therefore cowards let others identify them the way the others want to. Sartre says that ‘cowardice is the act of renouncing or yielding. ’ Cowards are those with an uneasy conscience. However the stinkers do not want this responsibility. They make choices as for their own individual and not for all men. Then there are those who choose responsibility for themselves and for everyone else known as authenticity. They are creating a certain image of man that seems fit to all men. Authenticity is the existentialist value. It does not let others define them but hold them responsible in choosing themselves and they choose men. Humans are condemned with freedom because we are left forlorn and abandon. Yet who is making us feeling this way? In this hominocentric belief, the death of God does, his purpose does not serve here. This is why we make choices freely with no principles to bind us. Sartre says there is nothing written of the existence of God and we live in a world filled with men. Humans live in anxiety because there really is no guide to their choices. They live in anxiety because of the fear they are not being right. Men are abandoned and left in human condition. The uncertainty is the reason why life is dreadful. Since there is no God, there are universal responsibilities. The feeling of being alone with no God and no rules to help us with our universal responsibilities; we are constantly faced with some easy and hard situations in our everyday life. Every situation is different every time. easy situations, you are choosing either the good choices or the bad choices, as human you normally will choose the good choices. On the other hand, hard choices are dealing with two good choices. Despite the difficult choices, there are no wrong choices you can easily cancel out and the bigger issue is there is no basis for choices. No one can tell you how to make your own decision except yourself. ‘Reality alone is what really counts, that dreams, expectations, and hopes warrant no more than to define a man as a disappointed dream, as miscarried hopes, as vain expectations. ’ This is where the value system is formed. Your priorities help you isolate the choice that is not a higher value than the other choice. Yet when the priorities are not clear, anxiety rises and the pressure can sometimes be overbearing. When feelings interfere with decisions, it can turn into one big circle. You don’t know what you are doing unless you precisely feel it, on the other hand, you don’t know what you are precisely feeling unless you are doing it. Feelings will get in the way of our judgment of choosing. Existentialists place passion as an excuse and a man’s responsibility. Luckily, our moral character eases our decisions for we will rule out choices that seem unfit. We always tend to choose the good as we are choosing the good for all. Sartre is an atheistic existentialist who does not believe in God. Sartre believes that if he was mistaken about the existence of God then life would still be the same as if there was no God. We still will face the great responsibility and be alone with our freedom. There would be no difference, we still have to make our choices alone. No matter if we are a coward, a stinker, or authentic, our future relies heavily on our actions that is forming it. At any moment we don’t realize which one can change our life. That is what makes life exciting.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Andrew Marvells To His Coy Mistress Essay -- Poem Poet Coy Mistress M

Andrew Marvell's To His Coy Mistress Andrew Marvell writes an elaborate poem that not only speaks to his coy mistress but also to the reader. He suggests to his coy mistress that time is inevitably ticking and that he (the speaker) wishes for her to act upon his wish and have a sexual relationship. Marvell simultaneously suggest to the reader that he/she must act upon their desires, to hesitate no longer and  ³seize the moment?before time expires. Marvell uses a dramatic sense of imagery and exaggeration in order to relay his message to the reader and to his coy mistress. The very first two lines of the poem suggest that it would be fine for him and his mistress to have a slow and absorbing relationship but there simply isn ¹t enough time. He uses exaggerations such as  ³Love you ten years before the Flood?and  ³An hundred years should go to praise?  ³Two hundred to adore each breast; But thirty thousand to the rest.? These exaggerations imply that the speaker would wait many many years until his coy mistress was ready, but there isn ¹t enough time. The reader can also visualize the deep love the speaker contains for his coy mistress through the imagery. For example, the speaker suggests that his vegetable love should grow, and vegetables only get larger and more ripe as they grow, analogous to his love, but vegetables grow very slow. His love is so great that it would grow  ³vaster than empires, and more slow? meaning that if there was enough time, his love for her would be i...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Wisdom: Virtue and People

My friend Lili is probably the only person who I could really turn to for advice and her wisdom and knowledge has always helped me through the rough times and the good times. I remember meeting Lili one day at school and asked if I could borrow a pencil from her during math class. When I returned it back she said I could have it but to try not to lose it since it is an obvious writing instrument to have. Well, after a few days I noticed she would sit alone during lunch time so I asked her if she wanted to join my friends and I for lunch, ever since we have been best of friends.According to my reading in my Positive Psychology books in Ch. 10 Table 10. 2 Classification of virtues and character strengths wisdom and knowledge is cognitive strengths that entail the acquisition and use of knowledge. The defining strengths describe her or what she possesses: creativity, curiosity, open-mindedness, love of learning, and perspective. She has always been creative since day one when I asked to borrow a pencil. During that time we were learning how to make a cube out of paper and Lili knew how to do the cube without even asking how to make it. She could make things to be productive.I could recall during a camp out with a bunch of girls how to make things out of sticks with leaves and such. It was amazing on how much she knew without really knowing how to do it in the beginning. Her open-mindedness was well respected in our little time of knowing each other. One of the attributes I think I develop most was learning to give good advice to those who come to me to talk about anything. She taught me how to give the best advice, but to give the advice I would give myself. Listening to people is a way to open your heart and let the people you love in. I think there are many reasons why she is wise.For example, the way she talks and gives advice to other people and also the attitude she has it's so passionate and loving. I don't know what it is about her that people go up to her and trust her with everything I find it amazing. Another example would be the past she has been through has made her smart about life and about people. Going through bad and good times and taught her a lesson about life and about everything. She didn't have a life like every child had, she had a difficult life that made her suffer a lot. So I look up to her because I know she knows what she is talking about and how she deals with life.Also she does not depend on any one with anything, she has always done things on her own. I think that the one attribute that I need to learn the most is listening to people before giving them my opinion because I have this habit that I usually make assumptions before hearing or knowing what the person is going through. This is the one that I need to gain so I can be there for people like my best friend has been there for people. Knowing what people have been through will help me be there for people and also help them out through the good and bad times .I am the type of person that I love being there for people even if I am struggling with my own problems because seeing how people deals with there problem helps me gain confidence about myself and solving other peoples problems as well. I can't say I'm good at giving advice but I know that I could at least give someone a good advice or even I could take some one's opinion to learn. So seeing my friend and the way she is there and how she helps me, the love she gives and how she gives company when I need someone makes me want to be that person as well. I know by this I will become a better person.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Iago’s Motivation for Manipulating and Destroying Other Characters

Iago’s Motivation For Manipulating and Destroying Other Characters In Shakespeare’s Othello, Iago is the most notorious villain. It is clear that Iago feels that other people’s lives that surround him are insignificant. He will use people as pawns signifying that he feels life is simply a game. Iago is very deceitful; he is capable of manipulating anyone who fits into his master plan. Considering Iago is such a phenomenal mastermind he can easily be compared to a director of a play this is because he finds any way possible to get exactly what he wants.Iago’s capacity for cruelty seems limitless. Although Iago never reveals his motives for manipulating and destroying the lives of people he appears to care about, he demonstrates acts of hidden insecurities, deep resentment towards people, and feelings which influences him to desire to ruin their lives. Underneath Iago’s fearless facade lays numerous insecurities. Iago does not receive any genuine love from anyone. The lack of compassion in Iago’s life leads him to be to be profoundly resentful and cold hearted towards other people, love and even friendship.He never lets his guard down for he feels he cannot trust anyone. Even though Iago is a married man, him and his wife Emilia are not in a loving relationship. Iago does not respect her or any other women. The lack of respect Iago has for women allows him to treat his wife unfairly and speak to her in a manner no man in love ever would. Iago will tell his wife to shut up when she is speaking her mind and feel no remorse for it. (4,2,140) Iago having an unsuccessful marriage has leaded him to believe that there is no such difference between love and lust.Iago sees love as a useless emotion that makes you lose control and will ruin you. Iago proves this when he says: â€Å"If the balance of our lives had not one scale of reason to poise Another of sensuality, the blood and bareness of Our natures would conduct us to most prepost’rous Conclusions. But we have to cool our raging Motions, our carnal strings or unbitted lusts, Whereof I take this that you call love to be a sect or scion. † (Shakespeare 1. 3. 321-328) Iago is convinced women and men are only capable of having physical attractions to each other not genuine love, similar to his own marriage. 1. 3. 303) Iago has no compassion for people in love therefore it is easy for him to manipulate Othello to destroy his marriage between him and his wife Desdemona. Iago’s resentment towards Othello goes deeper than believing his marriage with Desdemona is a sham. Iago heard a rumor that his wife Emilia had an affair with Othello. Iago believed this rumor with no doubt about it because of his insecurities within his marriage, even though Emilia Denys it. Emilia stresses her argument: EMILIA. O fie upon them! Such squire he wasThat turn’d your wit the seamy side without And made you to suspect me with the Moor. IAGO. You are a fool, go to. (Shakespeare 4. 2. 144-147) Regardless of the possibility of Othello’s innocence, Iago continues motive hunting. Iago sees this as a perfect opportunity to have a solid reason for hating Othello. Whether Iago knows the real truth or not is insignificant because it would not change how he feels about Othello. Othello has been a victim of racism from the beginning of the play. (1. 1. 112-114) Iago is a racist toward Othello being a dark skinned man, a â€Å"moor†.Iago resents Othello based on his race; it contributes to the hatred Iago feels towards him. Iago’s words declare the severity of his hatred: â€Å"I hate the Moor. My cause is hearted; thine hath no/ less reason. Let us be conjunctive in our revenge against him (Shakespeare 1. 3. 361-363). Othello is both a â€Å"Moor† and not even a Venetian man; therefore Iago looks down on Othello. Iago sees him as a worthless human being, someone whose life is free to be toyed with. Othelloâ€⠄¢s race is a motive for Iago to want to destroy his life because he simply hates the fact that he is a â€Å"Moor†.Othello is the General, the leader of the Venetian armed forces. This means Othello is higher status among the Venetian forces than Iago is. Considering Othello is a â€Å"moor† as well as Iago’s boss, more resentment comes from Iago. Othello promoted Cassio to lieutenant over Iago, this made Iago irate with Othello considering they used to fight as soldiers together. Othello offends Iago numerous times, which motivates him to seek revenge on Othello. Although it isn’t Cassio’s fault he received the promotion, Iago’s jealousy drives him to sabotage Cassio.Iago constructs a fight between Roderigo and Cassio by manipulating the both of them through lies and alcohol, which leads to Cassio loosing his position as lieutenant. (Shakespeare 2. 3. 142-155) Once Cassio had been dismissed the lieutenant job it was finally designated to I ago. Iago thanked Othello in the most peculiar way; he thanked him in a manner similar to saying vows: OTHELLO. Now art thou my Lieutenant IAGO. I am your own forever. (Shakespeare 3. 4. 475-476) Iago speaks to Othello using underhanded phrases similar to the way a wife converses with her husband.Suggesting that Iago may have romantic feelings for Othello. Considering being a homosexual was not acceptable lifestyle in the sixteenth century, Iago would be sexually frustrated because women cannot satisfy him. This sexual frustration is a motive towards wanting to destroy the marriage between Othello and Desdemona. Iago having romantic feelings for Othello would explain why he put a substantial amount of effort into getting Desdemona out of the picture. Iago appears to be jealous of their relationship.Iago’s motives are derived from very intense emotion, they are well planned and he ensures his revenge is executed. Iago’s insecurities and issues with people have motivated him to be incredibly deceitful, untrustworthy and incapable of positive emotions. Although Iago’s motivation for manipulating and destroying people’s lives is not revealed directly, he exposes it through his successful master plan. Shakespeare, William. The Tragoedy of Othello, The Moore of Venice. Ed Alvin Kernan, General, Ed. Sylvan Barnet. First Signet Classics Printing (Second Revised Edition) April 1998

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Bottled water Essays

Bottled water Essays Bottled water Essay Bottled water Essay The term market research is the systematic problem analysis, model building and fact finding for the purposes of improved decision making in the marketing of goods and services, this basically means that through research companies are going to try and give customers what they want. In my assignment I too will use market research, and will be carrying out a research on bottled water. I intend to find out how pupils of my school feel about the idea of bottled water, and how the feel about certain brands, flavours etc.I also would hope to explain why bottled water has become the success it has, and why pupils of my school prefer it to a bottle filled with ordinary tap water. I have decided to use a questionnaire as part of my primary research. The questionnaire will set out to investigate our schools knowledge of water and well see how many people are consuming it daily. Through the questionnaires I will discover various different aspects in order to find out if it affects the market positively or negatively.Primary Research is a type of data which you find yourself albeit through* Discussions with people* Direct observation* Questionnaires and surveys* Sampling* Testing through pilot and field trialsFor my research I have decided to use the questionnaires and surveys method, combined with a method of sampling. This is to ensure the complete reliability of my research. I have chosen these methods mainly due to the fact that the project is based in school, therefore I must select the quickest methods available, this however will not deflect from the amount of effort needed in order to compile the questionnaire and to distribute them to the correct people.The two main types of data are collected by market research are* Quantitative This is generally numerical data, E.g. Statistics. This kind of data is collected using questionnaires and surveys* Qualitative This kind of data where people give ideas, this research is used most significantly for investigation purposes, E.g. Why people are buying a certain productI previously said I would be using a method of sampling, but first I would like to explain what sampling is. Basic sampling is a representation of a large body by a smaller body. The advantages of this are that the company saves much more time, and it gives them the opinions of their customers. However the downside is this, not all people may have the same opinion, this therefore means that they wont get their say as to how the company produce its goods. It is important with sampling that enough people are chosen to give confidence in the result. A sample size can be as low as 100 but obviously the more people asked, the more accurate the result obtained is.Here are the various different methods of Sampling:* Stratified Samples Choosing people from a specific group in the population.* Quota Samples Selected on the basis of the characteristics of customer profile.* Cluster Samples People are chosen from a spec ific area.* Systematic Samples Every Nth person within a group is chosen.* Random Samples Everyone has an equal chance of being picked.Of course, it is possible for an incorrect result from a questionnaire, this is could happen because of the wrong type of sample chosen or even because of poor facts and statistics. When compiling a question you should always* Show clarity and purpose to your enquiry* Show understanding to all sides of community; try to word questions so that everyone can understand.* Avoid misleading questions.* Good presentation and structure.The questionnaire is going to be made up of around 8 or 9 questions, and in it, it will include questions such as,Where do you buy your water?How much do you spend on water per week?Is water your preferred drink now?Is drinking water really healthy?Of course these are only example questions and I would expect to have varied them a little in my final questionnaire.To start of compiling my questionnaire I firstly drew up a rou gh page of ideas then begun work on Microsoft Pin point. Here I was able to lay down a question, and provide boxes for the reader to tick. I decided that a basic lay out was needed, so I ended up having a page with a border around, inset was the text of questions asking pupils about bottled water. The questionnaire had various different changes to be made, mostly because of the amount of space to provide for pupils to give their own ideas. Also the font was changed quite a bit from the original. After all the nit picking my questionnaire was finally ready, the next stage was the sampling. I decided that random selection was the fairest method so I randomly picked out two boys, and two girls from each class and stopped when I had reached a desired total. I handed them out to the selected people. Each of them filled out the questionnaire and gave it back to me. I then programmed all of my results into the computer.In order to get a clear view of each opinion I decided that graphs, pie charts would be the fastest and easiest way to access the information. All graphs and a copy of the questionnaire are printed on separate pages. There are 3 graphs in total, the first graph is outlining the most popular flavour of water, graph two is outlining the most popular brand of water and the final graph is showing the results for how often water is drunk/purchased by the pupils of Castlederg high school. Overall there were no surprising results.GRAPH ONE This graph showed that the most popular water was flavoured water. It had around 43% of the vote; still water was second with 30% with sparkling water third on 27%.GRAPH TWO This showed river rock as the most popular brand with almost half of the votes.GRAPH THREE This showed the popularity of water when everyone said they drink water often or at least on a regular basis, no one said that they never drunk water.Secondary research is data, which is published, either on hard copy or through an electronic source, which has been picked up by others for their own use. This kind of data must be taken with care, after all it is data, which has been used for a different purpose, and this may have affected the data analysis and presentation. When using secondary research companies should find out* Whether source is accurate* TrustworthyThere are various kinds of secondary research, desk research is a quicker method than field research, and it is also less expensive. However the problem is that findings are not as accurate as field research. Secondary research can be obtained from internal or external sources.The different forms of external research are:* Government statistics* Media* The internet* Market research companies such as key note, retail business* Market surveysThe different forms of internal are:* Databases of computers* Sales invoices* Complaint letters* Sales information* Financial informationExternal is probably a more important method of research as it doesnt affect the companies performance to its competitors, but internal offers a snapshot view of the company as a whole and is information that is already held within the company. I have used external, mainly because of Internet research. Through external research I was able to go through different companies websites and find out information on their water. Classic water is used within our school and although it is a popular seller, the pupils decided that river rock was their favourite bottled waterIn conclusion I feel that my research into bottled as went well, and have answered the questions I initially asked, why has it become more popular? The reason being pupils of my school think it is a healthy way of living. My results have shown many things, in particular the popularity of river rock within our school. Also showing that flavoured water is most preferred kind of bottled war.Need help on conclusion, dont know what to write!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How To Make Red Cabbage pH Paper Test Strips

How To Make Red Cabbage pH Paper Test Strips Its easy, safe, and fun to make your own pH paper test strips. This is a project that kids can do and that can be done from home, though calibrated test strips would work in a lab, too. Difficulty: Easy Time Required: 15 minutes plus drying time Heres How Cut a red cabbage (or purple) into pieces such that it will fit into a blender. Chop the cabbage, adding the minimum amount of water needed to blend it (because you want the juice as concentrated as possible). If you dont have a blender, then use a vegetable grater or chop your cabbage using a knife.Microwave the cabbage until its at the boiling point. Youll see the liquid boil or else steam rising from the cabbage. If you dont have a microwave, soak the cabbage in a small volume of boiling water or else heat the cabbage using another method.Allow the cabbage to cool (about 10 minutes).Filter the liquid from the cabbage through a filter paper or coffee filter. It should be deeply colored.Soak a filter paper or coffee filter in this liquid. Allow it to dry. Cut the dry colored paper into test strips.Use a dropper or toothpick to apply a little liquid to a test strip. The color range for acids and bases will depend on the particular plant. If you like, you can construct a chart of pH a nd colors using liquids with a known pH so that you can then test unknowns. Examples of acids include hydrochloric acid (HCl), vinegar, and lemon juice. Examples of bases include sodium or potassium hydroxide (NaOH or KOH) and baking soda solution. Another way to use your pH paper is as a color-change paper. You can draw on pH paper using a toothpick or cotton swab that has been dipped in an acid or base. Tips If you dont want colored fingers, soak only half of the filter paper with the cabbage juice, leaving the other side uncolored. Youll get less usable paper, but you will have a place to grab it.Many plants produce pigments that can be used as pH indicators. Try this project with some of the other common home and garden indicators. What You Need Red CabbageFilter Paper or Coffee FiltersBlender - optionalMicrowave - optionalDropper or Toothpicks - optional

Saturday, November 2, 2019

SS310 unit 6 DB Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SS310 unit 6 DB - Research Paper Example The civil rights movement also coincided with the women’s movement which had the same aspirations and ambitions that civil rights strove for but focused on the female population and their rights (MacLean, 2006). The successes that were achieved by the civil rights movement helped the Women’s rights as well and enabled them to gain the equality that they had been struggling so hard to gain over the years. A number of the successes that were achieved affected the women as well and thus in this way it can be said that both movements were connected in their fight to achieve their goal of equality(English, 2009). A good example would be the passage of the 1963Equal Pay Act that can be related to the Greensboro sit-ins in 1960. The sit ins were staged in protest of the racial segregation policies that were practiced by Woolworth in the southern states whereby the white employees received better treatment and pay than their African American counterparts (English, 2009). The sit-ins were able to gain a lot of media coverage and can be said to be part of the reason that the equal pay act was eventually passed in 1963 and abolished pay disparities which affected the women as well. Through these two connections one can see that the civil rights movement did serve a part in increasing the momentum of the women’s movement and the rights that they were fighting for as they took into consideration all groups that were discriminated against including the female population(MacLean,