Saturday, May 23, 2020

Literary Analysis- the Story of an Hour Essay - 1832 Words

Ride of Her Life In â€Å"The Story of an Hour† (1894), Kate Chopin presents a woman in the last hour of her life and the emotional and psychological changes that occur upon hearing of her husbands’ death. Chopin sends the protagonist, Mrs. Mallard, on a roller coaster of emotional up’s and down’s, and self-actualizing psychological hairpin turns, which is all set in motion by the news of her husband’s death. This extreme â€Å"joy ride† comes to an abrupt and ultimately final halt for Mrs. Mallard when she sees her husband walk through the door unscathed. Chopin ends her short story ambiguously with the death of Mrs. Mallard, imploring her reader to determine the true cause of her death. The story beginnings with Chopin informing the†¦show more content†¦Mallard’s suppressed self that she has endured in the formalities of her life (1). Chopin continues to express how afflicted Mrs. Mallard is with her struggle to come to terms with her current state of emotions and her vision of self by describing Mrs. Mallard’s â€Å"dull eyes, whose gaze was fixed away off yonder on one of those patches of blue sky.† While Chopin depicts Mrs. Mallard’s glance as not being one of reflection â€Å"but rather indicated a suspension of intelligent thought,† it can be inferred that Mrs. Mallard is processing her self-being not on a rational level but more on her emotional stimuli. Mrs. Mallard’s roller coaster continues to climb to the peak as she begins to feel â€Å"something coming to her†, she does so â€Å"fearfully†, as she is not clear on what â€Å"it† is that is coming. In her article Jamil indicates, â€Å"The ‘it’ that [Mrs. Mallard] feels emerging from nature is the vision, or perception, of [Mrs. Mallard’s] freedom, which occurs through [Mrs. Mallard’s] aroused emotions† (217). Chopin thoughtfully deduces that Mrs. Ma llard’s actualization of self is â€Å"too subtle and elusive† to be grasped with rational thought and that â€Å"it† can only be initially â€Å"felt† intuitively and then â€Å"it† can be processed emotionally (1). As Mrs. Mallard begins to acknowledge whatShow MoreRelatedThe Story Of An Hour Literary Analysis1294 Words   |  6 PagesMrs Mallard, a kind, older lady, had a severe heart disease. The element of surprise, if not executed right, could kill her. In â€Å"The Story of an Hour† by Kate Chopin the element of time and surprise create an element that other authors struggle to do. In this paper, I will discuss the tone of the way the family broke the news of Mr. Mallard s death to Mrs. Mallard. Whether the news was bad or good, how it was broken to Mrs. Mallard could have killed her. 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